Double signature edition "ONSLAUGHT" by Iori Yamaki and new Team Yoyorecreation member Ayumu Kasuga is now available. *ONSLAUGHT has had minor changes in...

TYPE FACE INSPIRED SERIESに新たなヨーヨー「オプティマ」が登場です。 根強い人気を誇るフォントOptimaをイメージしたシンプルかつ洗練された形状により 非常に完成度の高いモノメタルヨーヨーが出来上がりました。 ※エコノミーDSベアリング初期搭載です

*yoyorecreation store limited sale. A new signature model that supported Hajime Miura's challenging freestyle is now available. While inheriting the...
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*Economy DS Bearing are included as a standerd feature.

驚くほど自在に動く。 さらに、投げやすさが頼もしい。 2019年3A部門全国チャンピオン 滝本瑞希選手シグネイチャーバイメタルモデル。 ラミは、滝本選手のシグネイチャーモデルとして、「もっと軽快な3A」その分岐点となるヨーヨーを目指しました。...
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The signature yo-yo of one of the world's best speed players, Ayumu KASUGA, "SAVAGE" is finally available! The rims and wings mechanism of the "Onslaught"...
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The STAAATER is a new introductory binding model. It is not a low performance yo-yo for beginners, but a yo-yo designed for competitions. It is designed to...

The new off-string yo-yo "SUPRECELL REACT" is now available. It is developed as another version of SUPERCELL, which was highly balanced at a high level....

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